Milk Carton and Toilet Roll Tube Terrarium

Milk Carton Terrarium

Milk Carton Terrarium

Step 1:
Cut the plastic gallon container just below the handle.
Step 2:
Fill the bottom of the container with soil about 1″ high.
Step 3:
Label the toilet roll tubes with the seeds that they will contain.
Step 4:
Push the toilet roll tubes into the soil to help them stand tall.
Step 5:
Fill the tubes with soil (don’t have to be to neat here the overflow will just fill the base of the container a bit more.)
Step 6:
Plant your seeds into their corresponding tubes.
Step 7:
Water gently. Place the top half of the carton back on top of the bottom half to create the ‘dome’ of your terrarium. Leave the lid off if the seeds remain too moist or screw it on to maintain more moisture.

Watch the seeds grow. We started ours 2 weeks ago and they are doing very well. Some are ready to be planted into larger containers. I would love to hear about how your kiddos do with their seed terrariums!

Closed Terrarium

Closed Terrarium

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